Male Enhancement Replies, vol. 4

bigger loads estrogenic horny goat weed semen webmd Apr 16, 2024

I have realized that by doing manual stretching or with extenders the penis can experience improvements such as erection and optimal oxygenation and blood pumping. After several days of working on your member, you will begin to notice greater hardness, circulation and duration in the state of erection.

REPLY: This is great that you're having good feedback! You can also accelerate the rate of Erection Quality (EQ- a combined measure of stamina and hardness) by performing Erect Kegels and Edging exercises after your enlargement work.

I tried everything to blow bigger loads. Kegels and supplements and drinking three or four big glasses of celery juice a day. Hydration helps. Drink lots and lots of water. Outside of that, yeah, it's genetics. I've always been a dribbler, and always wanted to fire rope after rope of semen, just like Peter North did. Now there was a guy who nearly drowned some of his co-stars. He's probably been retired for ten or fifteen years now, but eighties, nineties and early two thousands, that dude was the GOAT when it came to the old "money-shot".

ANSWER: You can use supplemental lecithin to add bulk to your semen. It may impart a yellowish cast to it, but these are merely lipids.

Is horny goat weed estrogenic to men?

ANSWER: According to WebMD: "Horny goat weed contains chemicals that might help increase blood flow and improve sexual function. It also contains phytoestrogens, chemicals that act somewhat like the hormone estrogen."

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